Individual Services

“Start by doing what’s necessary, then do what’s possible,
and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”

~Francis of Assisi

Life Happens

Stressors with relationships, on the job, in school, and with the family all take their toll. Add to this, any medical illness, trauma, loss, persecution, bullying, psychosis, or major challenge, and life will overwhelm the best of us.

Individual services are dedicated to helping you create new meaning and results in your life and relationships. We focus on meeting you where you are, allowing time to experience your experience, reflecting what’s worked or not worked, identifying new ways to relate and deal with your challenges, and clarifying what would be a meaningful vision to strive toward.

Sometimes you need outside support to ground and recalibrate. That’s what we offer.

Psychiatry can address many of your concerns

Steve came for his first appointment and shared:

Sometimes it can feel like I’m going crazy. Out of control. Unsure who to trust. Yet I know I can’t do it alone anymore.

People around me have been telling me to get help, yet I’m nervous about it. I don’t want another pill pusher or to get addicted to something that’d make it worse. I’m looking for someone who won’t take it personal that I did my Google research or that I love sound baths and acupuncture.

I want to know that I can bring that in here, and you can actually help me deal with all that’s going on… I’ve never really told a doctor ALL of it.

We get it. Unfortunately, this is an all too common experience when you are going through insurance channels. You finally get an appointment, it lasts 10 minutes, and you leave with more questions than when you arrived.

You want a clinician that cares AND keeps up to date with new treatments. You want someone who is willing to get to know you, to really listen, and hear you. To know your concerns are being considered thoughtfully, that you’re not crazy!

You’re finally ready to live clean and become healthy.

You may already be working with a 12-step program, sponsor, drug and alcohol counselor, or a therapist, and you are experiencing anxiety, depression, irritability, and are at high risk for relapse.

You are nervous about taking psych drugs, because that doesn’t fit into your view of recovery – and yet you are not getting better.

You need more than talk therapy.

Taking the Next Best Step

Our psychiatric team knows that treating co-morbid mood and thought disorders is critical to recovery. When you meet with us, we will do a careful psychiatric and medical history, and create a comprehensive treatment plan.

You can rest assured that we are aware of what medications put you at risk for relapse.

We will take the time to answer your questions and cover your diagnosis; and if medication is recommended, we will indicate the steps necessary for your program of recovery.

If you are still on the fence and are not currently working with a treatment team, we will help you get connected to responsible resources.

Make today the first day you choose to do what’s necessary – the next best step.

Let’s talk.

Call (951) 271-0397 today to set up a free phone consultation to see if this would be a good fit for you.

“Life is a choice. Anxiety is not a choice. Either way you go, you will have problems and pain. So, your choice is not about whether or not to have anxiety. Your choice is whether or not to live a meaningful life.”

~Steven C. Hayes

Therapy can guide you to a happier YOU!

In Reina’s case, she was “completely burnt out” from working years in the front lines as an emergency room nurse. When you are worn out, spread thin, disenchanted, anxious, unhappy, or dreading going in to work, we usually start with identifying what led you to this point and what you are doing to avoid or manage your discomfort.

Slowing down, we began to access Reina’s emotional, physical, and mental experience at work, the anger, resentment, and disappointment in the hospital system that constantly left her feeling powerless in the massive influx of patients, as well as how deep her callousness had become to other’s suffering.

We also spent some time reconnecting with why Reina had chosen this field in the first place, what the symptom “burnout” was signaling needed to change in her life, and how her identity had evolved over time.

Through introducing a daily mindfulness practice, journaling, asking for feedback from trusted people in her life and trying out different techniques to help her embrace her difficult emotions, Reina created a new map that integrated her own well-being and needs along with those of the people she cared for in an intentional way.

Reina reconnected with the reason she loves to serve and is now doing that wholeheartedly.

You’re Welcome Here

We know how hard it has been for you to call for help.

You finally arrived! You found a place where you are going to get better. We don’t know what it’s going to look like, but that’s what we are going to do: Figure out what “better” would look like. Then we are going to go after it together. We will clarify with you what that means, practically speaking.

Our team is ready to listen, to work with you on all levels: biologically, physically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually. We will do that every session. It’s not one or the other. We will address your life as a whole.

Together, we will map out next steps, resources, and support needed, as well as whether use of medication would support the journey.

Common issues we see:

  • Depression
  • Peri-natal Depression (formally Postpartum Depression)
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Adult ADHD
  • Dating and Family relationship issues
  • Grief & Loss
  • Divorce
  • Anger Issues
  • Gender and Transitioning Issues
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Substance Use Disorders
  • Sexual Dysfunction

Life coaching can help you close the gap.

Coaching is used to help us close a gap between where we are and where we want to be.

You may be single and wanting to date again. Or maybe you’ve had a tough time advancing at work, and you’d like to take ground with support from someone who’s able to see the bigger picture and provide real-time feedback and strategies to create transformation in your life.

Our coaches

Dr. Estrella and her husband, Sergio Estrella, both offer life and relational coaching individually and in workshops. Both bring a wide variety of experience to the table. To learn more about each, click here.

Now is the time… don’t hesitate.

Whether you are reaching out for the first time or you’ve done this before, we recognize the courage it takes to acknowledge the need for help and will respond quickly in order to help you keep the momentum going.

Please check out the FAQ to learn more about our individual services and questions our clients have asked.

You can also contact us today to schedule a free consultation with our therapist if you aren’t sure whether you would need psychiatry, therapy, or both. Together, we will determine what would be the best fit for you and your needs.